Monday, December 14, 2009

YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED! nuff said.....bahahhaha

Friday, December 11, 2009

So haven't posted in awhile. Not much to write about day by day when on mat leave lol Soooooo what to start with hmmmmm. Well went to my BFF Stephen's work xmas party. Was a complete gong show. A bunch of our friends work for that company and whenever they are all out together craziness always ensues. Was awesome seeing them again, crazy that most of us have kids......lolIt was at the Rideau Carleton Raceway, super nice place. Had a huge buffet and of course lots of slot machines!!! haha didn't win much, just enough to cover what I spent lol

Next went to go see the Sens vs Habs game. Was good until Ottawa started playing like huge asstards ugh somethings never change........ Those two are the big outings I've had. One thing that's great living with the rents. Once Ava is down for the night I can go chill with my friends for a bit :)

In between all that I saw my other BFF Laura. Known her pretty much since grade 2, we go wayyyyy back. Chilled with her and her bfriend a few times. My other BFF Chrissy, who i've known since high school. There it was the 3 of us. Laura, Chrissy and I. She came and raided a bunch of Ava's old clothes. Her lil one is due at the beg of Jan. Soooooo can't wait to meet her (yes it's a girl)

Now onto the lil one hehe. Well she has started rice cereal.......very interesting. She opens her mouth for the spoon but once the cereal is in there it just dribbles out haha that or she likes to chew on the spoon. All in all it's fun watching her but messy! She is soooo finding her voice and just likes to yell and shout. My mom like to joke saying " Pay back's a bitch ain't it" haha. I was NOT the easiest child to deal with..........god i'm hoping Ava does NOT turn out like me :s

Well that about sums up my last few weeks. Looking forward to Christmas. Gonna be sooo cute watching Ava! She'll be more int in eating the wrapping paper then her toys lol
