Sunday, January 31, 2010 has definitely been an uber long time since I last blogged.

End of December

Well for the rest of December I tried to hang out with my bff Stephen as much as humanly possible before he moved out West. Had a big dinner at my parents house, so he could see them one last time. Laura and I went to the airport to see him off on the 28th. Can't wait till I can save money and take Ava to visit him in Calgary!!!

Christmas was nice and relaxing. Just spent it with my parents, bro and Ava. Haha was soooo cute watching her open presents. Eating wrapping paper was the extent of her opening gifts. And of course she had TONS of presents. Boxing day Ava and I went for lunch with a bunch of co-workers to Lone Star. Was good seeing everyone from work again. Though a few have found better jobs lol The next day the fam went over to my Uncle and Aunts house for a late xmas gathering. My cousin was in town so we had the dinner then. New Years didn't do anything to crazy. Went to Laura's place for a bit then obv ended up at Summerhays. Soooooo sick of that place.....but it keeps dragging ya back. Let loose and drank so needless to say I was not feeling super great the next day.


Well Ava had her 6 month check up and shots at the beg of the month. She is growing like a weed. Getting super long. And she has discovered shrieking and babbling at the top of her lungs. Quite fun..... She's gone through most veg with no reactions. So made a whole bunch of pureed veg and froze it. Going through fruits and she's not a fan...weird.

Chrissy had baby Hailey on the 10th :) Soooo happy for her. Hailey's such a gorgeous lil girl. Visited her while she was in the hospital. And wow does Hailey have TONS of hair. When Chrissy was finally home Laura, Ava and I stopped by for a visit. We were discussing who was going to corrupt who 1st.....haha 6 mths apart. They will be trouble! Went and saw Avatar!!!!!! BEST MOVIE EVER!! Effin awesome, it gave me goose pimples lol

Well douches 30 day time limit was up on the wkd of the 9th. No response to my lawyer or the courts. But..... she said if she did her from a lawyer she would have to grant him an extension. But obv nobody heard anything and the court date is Feb 2nd. And if he does show up the courts may grant him an extension to file his papers. And that royally pisses me off. I know they want to give them every benefit of the doubt......but he sooo doesn't deserve any! He's gone out of his way to abandon his daughter, wants nothing to do with her and pay support. Yet they are willing to give him any break he can get. But again that's if he shows up on tues. REALLY REALLY hope he doesn't show up. Don't want to see him or deal with him. But have a feeling he won't. Would have to explain to Daddy dearest why he wants the whole day off. Figure he still hasn't told his fam. They prolly would've made him get a lawyer and I would've heard something like "why are you doing this to our son??? blah blah" Just want to get tues over with. If he's a no show my lawyer will file for an uncontested trial and it will go on ahead without him. I'll get the custody I want and he'll still get fucked over and have to pay support.

Well that's it for Dec and Jan. Didn't really do to much else that's noteworthy. Ohh yes I got one of those wooden sleds for Ava. When it's a tad warmer I want to pull her on the canal during Winterlude :)
